
Submerged in pool for three months

When browsing the web I stumbled upon this article in the Daily Mail.  It's about south african photographer Greg du Toit. He spend three months submerged in an african waterhole to capture different animals drinking from the waterhole. The results are amazing. 

I wouldn't advise to do it yourself. After being in the pool for three months Greg got diagnosed with every african disease  you can imagine. 


Favorites part3

Another favorite photographer this time, Anton Corbijn. Like Erwin Olaf (see my previous post), Anton Corbijn is also a dutch photographer. He is most famous for is photographs of U2 including the covers for the Joshua Tree and Unforgettable  Fire.

But my favorite is his portrait of Miles Davis

This what is a good portrait is all about. Those eyes seem to look right through you.

 Take a look at Anton Corbijn's website and be surprised at how versatile he is.


New work from Peter Lik

Peter Lik presented his latest work on the 21th of April.  

You can find more info on his blog. Personally I think his latest is not his greatest.

I heard that some of the slideshows on this blog (See kayaking items ) don't work in IE7. Please leave a comment if you can't find the slideshows (you probably see a large white space) and tell me what browser you are using.


Whitewater kayaking Dutch Open

Yesterday I visited the Dutch Open Whitewater Kayak Championships in Zoetermeer. Below you can see an impression of the downriver and free-style competition. Finals where at the end of the day so it started getting dark. I really need the 70-200 mm f2.8. By bumping up the ISO I managed to get 1/1000th of a second. 


What's new in #CS5

There's a summary of new Photoshop CS5 functionality on Rob Galbraith's site. It's specially aimed at photographers. Check it out. One of my favorite blog's.


Pictures of the day

German online magazine "Stern" has grouped together last month's images of the day. Worth a look.


Favorites part 2

Erwin Olav is a dutch photographer born in Hilversum in 1954. What attracts me in his work is the symbolism and use of light. 

It is if you can almost feel the grief.  In another example below he uses the light like a 17th century painter.

Although you wouldn't say from the images above, his work can be quite controversial. Take a look at his website ErwinOlaf.com 


Whitewater kayaking

Last week I visited the training for the Dutch Championships Whitewater slalom at Dutch Waterdreams in Zoetermeer. I am gonna try to get a press pass through the "Red Carpet" program from Shutterstock

It was a bit cloudy but setting the ISO to 400 and using shutter priority set to 1/1000th I managed to capture every single waterdrop.