
Imagine Peter Lik

Peter Lik has released a new image called "Imagine". For this photograph he returned to his roots in Australia, the Great Barrier reef to be specific. I think this is more a Peter Lik image than his previous release Romantica. The colors are bluetifull. 

Imagine © Peter Lik 


Running with bulls

Today the Festival of San Fermin ended. Seems like running with a lot of angry bulls can be very popular in some places. 

Although this festival has been held since 14th century and has very deep cultural roots I oppose against the killing of animals for "entertainment".  

Click on the image to see more photos. Caution: There may be some graphic content.

AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano


Final goodbye

It's over. The Netherlands lost the final to Spain. Although I am very disappointed, at least we got the memories in the form of amazing photographs. The Boston Globe got a final goodbye to the World Cup Football (or soccer as some say). For me it means more time to spend taking photos, besides watching the Tour de France. 


World Cup Football Sadness

The world cup football in South Africa is coming to an end. Two teams are left.This makes for a lot of sad fans. You can see a beautiful slideshow on the site of Reuters

Below is one of my favorites. Sad doesn't describe how this supporter feels. I almost feel guilty because our team caused this little drama.